Monday, March 15, 2021

ORDEN OGAN Final Days | Weekly Heavy Metal Album Review


Released by AFM Records on March 12th, 2021

Quick Background
Orden Ogan is a German power metal band with progressive and folk metal elements (early on). The band was formed in 1996 by Sebastian Grütling (drums) who left the band is 2011 and Sebastian "Seeb" Levermann (lead vocals and producer). Seeb also used to be the second guitar player, but thanks to a hand injury in the summer of 2018, he was forced to tour as a singer only. After the experience, the band decided to keep like that and moved bass player Niels Löffler as guitarist. The long-time guitarist Tobi decided to take a break and Patrick Sperling took the other guitar last year. So it's almost like a new band.  

Final Days 
After a few delays, the new and 7th album Final Days is finally out. The successor of the very good Gunmen (2017) was once again produced by band leader “Seeb” . The dark-science-fiction-concept-record features 10 track and clocks in at 51 minutes. This concept was the perfect theme for the band to modernize their sound. It is still very much a power metal album, but it has also a flavor of this decade. For example, the high tempo video single "In The Dawn Of The AI" features huge heavy riffs and a modern flavor which ties well with the lyrics. It even reminds me of Trivium (note how he sings 'Fire in the sky'). Some computer sound samples are also appropriate in this case. In track 3 "Inferno" Orden Ogan continues the modern sounding approach to the point that is almost metalcore-ish (think latest  Parkway Drive), the song features a nice groove and not-over-the-top gang vocals. Now, to make sure you don't get the wrong impression I must highlight  "Let The Fire Rain" as one of the best songs of the album. And it's a power metal delight. The chorus is huge, epic and so impactful. Then there's a whole part of "oh oh" that works, it's almost like Maiden's "Heaven Can Wait". I'm sure a future live favorite. Also the album opener "Heart Of The Android" with the big chorus and vocal melodies is a strong opener and another power metal anthem, although in this case I am not big fan of "oh oh", totally unnecessary. 

Final Days also features two interesting collaborations. On the song “Alone in the Dark”, a melancholic ballad with symphonic elements, Seeb is supported by Ylva Eriksson (vocalist of Swedish band Brothers Of Metal). But this song is too much of a ballad for me, it's a almost like a Hollywood romantic film soundtrack. And for “Interstellar”, ex-Ozzy Osbourne guitarist Gus G. contributed with a nice solo. This song chant brings us subtly back to Orden Ogan's folk metal roots. The appropriated named "It Is Over" song closes the album, although not a bad track, it doesn't add much. It's dark and mid tempo and lyrically fits well the concept though.

The Picky Guy
My issue with Final Days is that the album is frontloaded with 5 great tracks while the second half 5 tracks is a hit and miss journey. While "Black Hole" and "Hollow" work, the first being another punch the sky singalong heavy anthem and the secong a dark and heavy track, the other songs in the second half like "Absolution For Our Final Days" don't add much and are skippable tracks. But the good thing is that the track order makes it easy to get theough the valleys and it's worth the journey.

Wrap Up Opinion 
Orden Ogan has been delighting us with solid power metal albums for a few years now. It's a modern and dark side of power metal. The songs feature fat and modern riffs, epic choruses and melancholic orchestral arrangements. Despite some lows on the second half, I'm still having lots of fun with it and am giving 82/100, again a very good album. I can't wait to see them playing those songs live.

SCORE: 82/100
Genre: Power Metal
Released by AFM Records on March 12th, 2021

Rating System
99 - 100 Perfect
94 - 98 Excellent
87 - 93 Great
82 - 86 Very Good
77 - 81 Good
66 - 76 Mixed
58 - 65 Bad

wordcount = 654

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