Tuesday, March 23, 2021

AGENT STEEL No Other Godz Before Me | Weekly Heavy Metal Album Review


Released by Dissonance Productions on March 19th, 2021

Quick Background
Agent Steel is an American speed metal band from LA, formed in 1984 by vocalist John Cyriis with drummer Chuck Profus. The band released two classic full-length albums: Skeptics Apocalypse (1985) and Unstoppable Force (1987),  before disbanding in 1988. After a revival without Cyriis that lasted a few years, the band reformed again in 2018, this time with Cyriis returning as the vocalist and without any previous members.

No Other Godz Before Me
Under this new lineup and after long delays, Agent Steel have just released their first studio album in 14 years (and their first one in 34 years to feature Cyriis), No Other Godz Before Me. Spoiler alert, if you are not into high-pitched vocals this is not the album for you. Cyriis's high-pitched vocals is the band's classic albums trademark and 80% of the singing is done in this fashion. The full album is a high-tempo speed metal avalanche. Imagine a full album based on the Judas Priest classic songs such as "Exciter" or "Screaming for Vengence", that's to me how No Other Godz Before Me sounds. It also reminds a lot of early Fates Warning (but more aggressive and less progressive) with Arch on vocals  fused with Dave Mustaine, if that's make sense. The album clocks in at 41 minutes, but notice that the intro and outro songs sum up for a total of 5 minutes. So we actually have 9 proper tracks in 36 minutes. The format is pretty much aligned with their 80's albums. Even the production values are pretty much a retro effort to capture a murky 80's sound. But with less reverb on the vocals. It's a very direct, raw and in your face album. All the songs are fast and short, never going over the 4-minute mark. The lyrics are typically dominated with sci-fi subjects. That's already very obvious with the track 2, "Crypts of Galactic Damnation". This song opens the album with a summary of what to expect during the next 30 minutes. High tempo and well executed guitarwork with great solos, engagig riffs and twin guitars. And of course the over-the-top high pitched vocals from start to finish. But also note the cool vocalizations and vocal harmonies performed by Cyriis. He created nice effects and I belive that's what an alien would actually sound when communicate with terrestrials.

One of the interesting things about this album is that Cyriis utilized his Brazilian roots. This is first noticed on the sound samples from the intro track. Then there's a whole verse in Portuguese during "Sonata Cosmica", but that's not all, the song “the incident” is based on the UFO incident which happened in the city of Varginha, Minas Gerais and is fully sang in Portuguese. Those are cool moments that give the album some much needed variability. 

The Picky Guy
There are some foods that I love like eating cheese or caramel. But if I have too much of those things I will feel sick. Sorry for the stupid analogy but that's how I feel about No Other Godz Before Me. While I love the speed, the vocals and most of the songs, when listening to it from start to finish is too much. There's not enough dynamics and variability and it becomes tiring, specially due to the vocals.

Wrap Up Opinion 
While not a huge fan of the production and the lack of variability, Agent Steel's No Other Godz Before Me is still a decent good album. If you are into thrash/speed metal and high-pitched vocals, this will certianly please you. For those reasons I am giving it 81/100 and a cutions recommendation.

SCORE: 81/100
Genre: Heavy/Thrash Metal
Released by Dissonance Productions on March 19th, 2021

Rating System
99 - 100 Perfect
94 - 98 Excellent
87 - 93 Great
82 - 86 Very Good
77 - 81 Good
66 - 76 Mixed
58 - 65 Bad

wordcount = 606

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