Thursday, September 12, 2019

Album Review: ATLANTEAN KODEX The Course Of Empire (09/13)

Atlantean Kodex is a German Epic Doom Metal band. Their official page cite as key influences: Manowar (1981-1988), Bathory, Solstice, Candlemass, Warlord, Manilla Road, Cirith Ungol, and Traditional European Folk Music. I can't disagree with all of that. Formed around 2005 by Trummer (Guitars) and Kreuzer (Bass), the band quickly managed to become the center of the new European epic metal movement. Atlantean Kodex deliver a heavy mixture of epic hymns, doom pacing, twin guitars harmonies and sing-along melodies.

The Course Of Empire is their third studio album following the fantastic 2013's The White Goddess (thanks my friend Michael for the tip). Not surprisingly the six songs are rather long averaging nine minutes but there are also a couple of transitions and an intro and outro. Actually the intro already gets you pumped for what's to come. While short it has an epic feeling to it and it starts full blown with all instruments. Then singer Markus Becker chants the verse starting with the resonant 'empires rise, empires fall', absolutely great. Even more so when you realize that it's a teaser for the epic 11-minute title track closer. It's like those movies when the last scene is shown first and then you watch the whole thing to see how it got there. As if it were one song, the single "People Of The Moon (Dawn Of Creation)" and track 3 "Lion Of Chaldea (The Heroes’ Journey)" follow the intro track. Both are faster tempo epic fist pumping madness. We then get a breathing second before the slower and doomy "Chariots (Descending From Zagros)" marches in with a great drum-work and featuring a beautiful guitar solo. The short and very melodic sing along "The Innermost Light (Sensus Fidei)" bridges us into "A Secret Byzantium (Numbered As Sand And The Stars)". One of the heaviest and best tracks is "He Who Walks Behind The Years (The Place Of Sounding Drums)" with fantastic guitar riffs and solos, great drumming and some of the most epic and catchy melodies.

Atlantean Kodex makes epic doom metal by the book. Even thought there are intervals, the the album functions as one piece of music with one song flowing into the next perfectly. The production is dynamic and clear. The band uses several samples to immerse us into this medieval Europe of empires and kings. The musicianship is solid with a shout out to drummer  Mario Weiss. While the range and versatility of singer Markus Becker is rather limited, he has a beautiful voice and he is proficient within his boundaries to deliver a convincing performance. It helps a lot that the vocal melodies are epic, catchy and beautiful. If you like doom/traditional epic metal, you can't go wrong with The Course Of Empire. The best album within this genre in 2019 so far .

SCORE: 85/100
DR: 10
Genre: Epic Doom Metal
Released by Ván Records on September 13th, 2019

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