Saturday, May 7, 2022

WATAIN The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain | Weekly Heavy Metal Album Review

Released by Nuclear Blast Records on April 29th, 2022

Quick Background
Watain is a Swedish black metal band, formed in 1998. The band's core lineup has remained stable since their formation, consisting of Erik Danielsson (vocals, bass), Pelle Forsberg (guitars), and Håkan Jonsson (drums). Watain has been known to perform live using candles, pyrotechnics, and, akin to numerous black metal acts, limbs and bones of animal carcasses. I remember lots of candles and pyrotechnics when I saw them live but no carcasses or blood. 

The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain
The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain is Watain's 7th studio album following 2018's Trident Wolf Eclipse. The new endeavor, recorded inside an old church on the Swedish countryside, features 10 tracks in 50 minutes and it was written by the founding trinity. There's only one short instrumental "Not sun nor man nor god" that splits the album in two halves. For the rest, 9 black metal songs in their core. It is also the first Watain album to be recorded live with a full line-up completed by A. Lillo, H. Eriksson and E. Forcas. I'm not always into black metal production values, but this album sounds great to me. There's just enough reverb to give us the somber aspect of the album, but not too much to the point that distracts me from the music. The result of all those choice is a very authentic and organic record. 

The album opens with two short and straightforward black metal tracks. "Ecstasies in night infinite" is almost a thrash song (e.g. early Slayer) and get things rolling at very high tempo. And "The howling" which opens up with a hard rock riff but soon tremolo picking, brings us back to pure black metal territory. 

But to me the album shines with their longer and more dynamic songs. The over seven minute track "Before the cataclysm" being the best example. From a cool slow intro it flows into blast beats for the initial verses. But soon we go into groovier parts, sludgeier slow tempo section and calm passages. In sum, there's a lot going on here and it's all glued together by great riffs and guitarwork. "Black cunt" a mid tempo song with double speed sections is also a nice dynamic song with a varied drumming moving away from only blast beats. It's actually quite a groovy track. "Serimosa" slows things down a bit and it fits the album flow perfectly. It's obviously a dark and somber song despite the tempo. So much so that I can picture a horror movie scene while listening to it. It's brilliant. "We Remain" is the third single and features guest vocals by Farida Lemouchi (ex. The Devil’s Blood, Molassess) and guest guitar solo by Gottfrid Åhman (ex. In Solitude, PÅGÅ) which is partially on a clean guitar, so it does stand out. It's a melancholic borderline gothic metal song at slow tempo and featuring an atmospheric sound due to the choir-like singing at times.  "Septentrion" closes the album in almost seven minutes. I love the drum beat on this one, it's a very black and roll song. 

Overall I really liked the drum and guitar work on this album. Danielsson's voice is pure black metal and you can actually understand the words. The album cover gives the buyer no doubts that it's black metal  

The Picky Guy
"Leper's grace" and "Funeral winter" while not bad songs at all, are certainly my least favorites. I tend to prefer their more adventurous and dynamic songs. Other than that not much to complain about this album.

Wrap Up Opinion 
Watain delivers a pure but modern black metal album that should be pleasing fans. I liked the production, the song writing and the delivery. They flirt with progressive territory in half of the songs and that's the half that I prefer. The album flows very well and those 5 songs are well mixed with shorter more direct songs so overall a dynamic and pleasing black metal for old schoolers. A good album, 81/100 and recommended for black metal fans and newbies. 

SCORE: 81/100
Genre: Black Metal
Released by Nuclear Blast Records on April 29th, 2022

Rating System
99 - 100 Perfect
94 - 98 Excellent
87 - 93 Great
82 - 86 Very Good
77 - 81 Good
66 - 76 Mixed
58 - 65 Bad

wordcount = 672

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