Monday, November 29, 2021

EXODUS Persona Non Grata | Weekly Heavy Metal Album Review

Released by Nuclear Blast Records on November 19th, 2021

Quick Background
Exodus is an American thrash metal band formed in 1979. Their current lineup consists of guitarists Gary Holt and Lee Altus, bassist Jack Gibson, drummer Tom Hunting, and lead vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza. Known as the kings of the Bay Area scene along with Metallica, they are often credited as pioneers of the Bay Area thrash metal scene. Bonded by Blood is the debut studio album regarded today alongside Metallica's Kill 'Em All as one of the landmark albums responsible for launching the thrash metal wave This is also the only full-length studio album of Exodus to feature Paul Baloff on vocals. 

Persona Non Grata
Fast forward to 2021 and Persona Non Grata is Exodus' eleventh studio album. It is their first one since the very good Blood In, Blood Out in 2014. That album was their first release since the departure of the group's lead singer of nine years, Rob Dukes, and the return of Steve "Zetro" Souza, who previously fronted Exodus from 1986 to 1993 and from 2002 to 2004. 

Back to 2021, Persona Non Grata was produced by the band and mixed by Andy Sneap. The album runs for 60 minutes and features 12 songs, one being a short instrumental. Overall it's just pure Bay Area Thrash Metal in similar veins from the previous album and reminding a lot of 1989's Fabulous Disaster as well. Interestingly both Persona and Fabulous were recorded by the band together, on the same location for the process. 

The album opens with the title track and immediately a rapid fire riff from Gary blasts in at double speed. The riffs go on for about 30 seconds and continues during the verse, it's brilliant. It slows to regular tempo for the chorus and a bass on the foreground leads us to an incredibly groovy bridge. If that wasn't enough, the guitar solos lasting about one minute are some of the coolest of 2021. All in all with seven and half minutes, the band takes their time with this song, enjoying the riffs, the instrumental transitions and solos. Great opening track. Zetro delivered a strong performance in this album. He uses different techniques and broader range. And the title track is a good example of that. Another one is "The Fires of Division". 

"R.E.M.F." does not slow down the tempo, with just above 4 minutes, it's an avalanche in your years and never looses speed and aggression. How Tom managed to deliver this aggressive performance after a serious cancer removal surgery is beyond me. Things get groovier with "Slipping Into Madness" intro but it's still a high tempo song, for the first time on the album we hear gang vocals which we know the band often uses in their compositions. In this case is to emphasize the song title during the chorus. Several trading solos on this song and a twin guitar harmonization to make Steve Harris proud! 

"Elitist" features a punky feel and pretty catchy melodies, much groovier song than the heavier ones around it. But wait, the single "The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)" is even more straightforward punk-ish song. It's only 3 minutes long and certainly a future live favorite. "Prescribing Horror" is one of my favorites on the album and also one of the singles. It's a mid tempo dark song. It describes the controversy surrounding the drug thalidomide, Experts estimate that thalidomide led to the death of approximately 2,000 children and serious birth defects in more than 10,000 children. The drug was banned in 1961.

"The Years of Death and Dying" goes traditional metal, it sounds like Accept in the 80's and it's a tribute to the fallen. "Cosa Del Pantano" is an acoustic instrumental that sounds great and serves as the intro to their epic 8 min "Lunatic-Liar-Lord". The longest song on the album is one of the best. What a fantastic chorus, groovy like some of their best classic songs. But actually the instrumental break is the highlight of the song, it's almost like a good old days Metallica instrumental song within a song. So many cool guitar solos in it. "Antiseed" closes the album with another rather long song, but equally brutal as the album started. 

The musicianship throughout the album is impressive. The guitar work is not too complex but effective and the riffs are sick. Drumming is superb and the bass is sounding so good. You have to pay attention but when you do you find this bass banging the chords. I'm sure that's the magic of Andy Sneap. 

The Picky Guy
My favorite songs on the albums were the more complex longer songs with lots of riffs and solos. So some of the simpler short songs while not bad at all, didn't interest me as much. And the album is a bit too long, not by much but 12 songs is quite a lot for thrash metal. While I am not in love with Zetro's voice, it works well in most songs, but sometimes it was too much Udo or Overkill sounding. 

Wrap Up Opinion 
After a long wait, Exodus delivered a great follow up to the already very good Blood in Blood out. If I didn't know the band, I'd have a hard time believing that is a thrash album written by veterans including a cancer survivor on the drums. The speed and aggression never stops. It's pure thrash metal for old timers and new fans. The production is modern and fresh and the band was able to mix very straightforward songs with longer more elaborated ones usually filled with riffs and solos. All in all a very good album and a really fun ride. Highly recommended, 84 out of a 100. 

SCORE: 84/100
Genre: Thrash Metal
Released by Nuclear Blast Records on November 19th, 2021

Rating System
99 - 100 Perfect
94 - 98 Excellent
87 - 93 Great
82 - 86 Very Good
77 - 81 Good
66 - 76 Mixed
58 - 65 Bad

wordcount = 953

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