Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The best metal albums of 2021 so far

Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
Ad Nauseam will certainly pop up in many year-end lists, not only due to the quality of the album, but for standing out as a very innovative experimental and unconventional band. Is it for everyone? Certainly not, it's not even for a big segment of the metal community, but it will captivate the metal listeners with an open mind and looking for something challenging and distinctive. Very good album with the potential to grow further on me as it is that kind of album that takes time. 

Artillery - X
Artillery delivered their tenth record as if it was a debut: Ruthlessly heavy, catchy and pure metal. The fusion of 80's thrash with traditional heavy metal is perfectly executed creating some headbanger tunes to sing along with our fists in the air. A very good thrash metal album that will please new and old fans looking for that perfect mix of melody and aggression. 

Asphyx - Necroceros
Recorded during lockdown, the band’s tenth studio album Necroceros is heavy and vicious! No room for fillers, just 10 heavy tracks in 50 minutes. It also sounds great, clear and bombastic. There's just something so captivating about this album from the first to last track. Is it a revolutionary album? No, but it's very well written, executed and produced. This was best album of January 2021 and probably will stay at the top of 2021 list. 

Bloodbound - Creatures of the Dark Realm
Bloodbound is back into form with a non apologetic blistering power metal album as it should be. Despite a couple of fillers and the lack of originality, the album delivers what we expect from a sing-along power metal. That means: bombastic choruses, enough aggression and a huge amount of melody and hooks. That can only be successful due to the good song writing and execution of almost all songs on Creatures of the Dark Realm. Power Metal fans can go for it with no doubts.

Gojira - Fortitude
Gojira knocked this one out of the park. A great album which will certainly head many year-end lists in 2021. They were able to masterfully combine old style Gojira with experimentation and ambience. As a result the album is diverse and super interesting. On top of it, it all comes down to great song writing. There are no bad songs and, even better, a handful of great ones. Yes, some of them are different and not as heavy, but it works. A 21st century masterpiece. I don't use this word often, but Fortitude is already top of the decade contender for me.

Helloween - Helloween
Despite the return of Hansen and Kiske, the album doesn't sound much different than previous records from the Deris era. It is not a bad thing but a missed opportunity. With that said the album is very good and shines at most moments. "Skyfall" is an instant classic and many songs call back subtly to other phases of the band. All and all, the self titled 2021 album has a little something for any Helloween fan, old or new, and the execution is outstanding. Highly recommended for any power metal enthusiast. 

Orden Ogan - Final Days
Orden Ogan has been delighting us with solid power metal albums for a few years now. It's a modern and dark side of power metal. The songs feature fat and modern riffs, epic choruses and melancholic orchestral arrangements. Despite some lows on the second half, I'm still having lots of fun with it, again a very good album. I can't wait to see them playing those songs live.

Sacred Oath - Return Of The Dragon
Return Of The Dragon is a very good pure metal album without any frills and yet diversified with no creativity boundaries. While not super original, Sacred Oath creates an interesting mix of styles that captures the attention and it's lots of fun. If you just want some good old traditional metal with touch of modern metal, then Return Of The Dragon is the way to go.

Soen sure isn't an instantaneously accessible music but with a bit of listener patience, album after album they proved to be one of the most prolific creators of rewarding pieces of progressive music today. Quiet honestly, I prefer any Soen albums over any Opeth album after Watershed. Ok, I said it, I know the critics fan-boys will shot me for this, but it's true, it's how I feel. You can't argue with personal preferences!  

Therion - Leviathan
Therion revisits their roots with Leviathan. A straightforward Therion album full of potential new fan favorites. While not bringing new ideas, it's a powerful, bombastic collection of songs with a good level of variability and dynamism. Several guest singers, tempo changes, lyrics in different languages, all those choices make the album very interesting and each song has its own character. A very good album for long time fans. For those who never got into this band, Leviathan won't change your mind. 

Todd La Torre - Rejoice In The Suffering
Rejoice in the Suffering is the debut solo album by Queensrÿche vocalist Todd La Torre. The first four songs on the album are just great. A punch in the face! It's a pure metal overdose. Todd showcases all his vocal abilities. The album also displays a southern metal sound reminding us of Pantera or Black Label Society. Overall, very good album that left me with wish for more. I'll be waiting for the sophomore release

Tribulation - Where the Gloom Becomes Sound
Tribulation makes Black Metal without blast beats and highly influenced by gothic rock in a way that's quite unique and satisfying. Jonathan Hultén did the bulk of the songwriting on this album, and surprisingly in December the guitarist left the band he started after 16 years. That leaves us with a big question mark where the band is going. Maybe this will force Tribulation  to evolve their sound and incorporate other influences. For now, if you enjoyed their last two albums,  Where the Gloom Becomes Sound is just a big pleasure to listen to.  

Witherfall - Curse Of Autumn
Witherfall's Curse Of Autumn is one of my favorite albums of 2021 so far. Witherfall executes excellent modern progressive power metal. It's dark and heavy and yet melodic and catchy. Can't go wrong with it. A very good album that should end the year high on my list.

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