Wednesday, May 26, 2021

IMPURE WILHELMINA Antidote | Weekly Heavy Metal Album Review

Released by Season Of Mist on May 21st, 2021

Quick Background
Founded in 1996, the Geneva quartet has experienced many line-up changes over the years around Michael Schindl, singer-guitarist, main composer and lyricist. With Antidote Impure Wilhelmina have released seven full-length albums displaying a blend of metal, post-hardcore, new wave and indie rock sounds.
Antidote features ten tracks and clocks in at 53 minutes. The album is a melting pot of intensity, melody, power and melancholy. But I must warn the metal fans that it leans more on the indie rock and post-hardcore side of thing than on heavy metal. 

When we get to track 4, "Dismantling",  for example, we can appreciate the melting pot. It starts as a very indie rock almost 80's Goth rock catchy song. Then to my pleasant surprise we get the first guttural vocals on this album which brings a very special flavor to Antidote. "Unpredicted Sky" is one of the best songs on the album with long instrumental passages the longest song on the album also explore more their heavy metal side with aggressiveness and guttural vocals. That's a good sample to me where the album shines. That's when Impure Wilhelmina fully explore instrumental passages, and while melancholic, it also uses aggression. 

The other facet that also works for me is Impure Wilhelmina's sludgy side. The album opener for example, "Solitude" features some heavy guitar tones, and overall a thick and sludge orientation.  
It is also an example of the nice bass sound we get in this album, very low end and just audible enough on the mix. "Gravel" is another sludgy moment of the album and it works well. Pay attention to those bass lines, very cool and thick  But back to the opening track, the vocals don't come in till half way through the song, when they do, they bring on a Mastodon vibe. Those long instrumental passages is where the album shines and my favorite moments. "Midlife Hollow" is another song with those and also of a good sounding guitar and riffs. Another moment where we hear a balanced mix of metal and indie rock. 

After the short instrumental title track, another  longer song "Everything is Vain" closes the album in a very melancholic tone. The songs in this territory of melancholy and indie rock are my least favorites. "Jasmines" reminds me of Pink Floyd's Final Cut and that's not a good association and "Vicious" sounds like 70's Punk and it's not my thing either, despite being upbeat and catchy.

The Picky Guy
I personally can't avoid the fact that I can't be too excited by the vocals. A few songs and other moments of rather ok songs, fall flat for me despite being well written tunes. 

Wrap Up Opinion 
Is Antidote a bad album? Not at all, is it for everyone? Also no. While I personally have some difficulties with Impure Wilhelmina style and choices, I can appreciate the  quality of the music writing and musicianship on this album. For those looking for aggressiveness, this will disappoint you. But if you are open to some new experiences and a more indie rock and post-hardcore sound, then Antidote delivers. With all things consider, I still think it is a good album with a score of 79/100. I cautiously recommend it. 

SCORE: 79/100
Genre: Sludge / Post-Metal
Released by Season Of Mist on May 21st, 2021

Rating System
99 - 100 Perfect
94 - 98 Excellent
87 - 93 Great
82 - 86 Very Good
77 - 81 Good
66 - 76 Mixed
58 - 65 Bad

wordcount = 541

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