Monday, November 2, 2020

THEM Return to Hemmersmoor | Weekly Heavy Metal Album


Released by Steamhammer Records/SPV on October 30th, 2020

Quick Background
THEM was originally formed in 2008 by vocalist Troy as a King Diamond tribute band, the project started to evolve when Troy came up with a concept idea in 2014 and molded a story, band, album and show around it. The result was THEM, a theatrical Heavy Metal band comprised of musicians from around the globe. THEM's debut concept album, Sweet Hollow, caught my attention as I can't get enough of anything that sounds similar to Mercyful Fate. They released their follow up entitled Manor of the Se7en Gables in 2018. I didn't like it as much as the debut, so the third album is a defining moment for my relationship with the band. THEM not surprisingly sound a lot like King Diamond, but there's a hint of more power metal acts, specially Powerwolf. They also use thrash elements that add speed and aggressiveness  to some songs.

Return to Hemmersmoor

With Return To HemmersmoorTHEM continue the concept of combining the horror/fantasy theatrical piece with (thrash/power) metal. This is actually the third part of a trilogy that was launched back in 2016 on the aforementioned Sweet Hollow and continued  with Manor Of The Se7en GablesReturn To Hemmersmoor definitely sounds more mature, both from a songwriting and production perspective. It's also a heavier one. After the intro track, which is a bit too long, we get two short and thrashy punch in the face songs: "Age of Ascension" and "The Tumultous Voyage to Hemmersmoor". The former is when Metallica meets King Diamond, special touch the very impressive guitar solo. I also like how Troy doesn't hold back on the falsettos. The latter track almost merge together but with less high pitched screams, it goes more into the Powerwolf territory. Later on "Waken", THEM combine the aggressiveness of those first tracks with melody and epicness. Another early on highlight for me is the pair of high energy, super melodic and epic songs "Free" and "Field of Immortality". Great songs, very catchy and fist pumping. I also love the bass sound, it's not in your face but it is there and you can feel the ferocious beat throughout the album. But specially on "Field of Immortality". 

Despite being a theatrical album, I am happy the number of narrations and transition tracks is rather limited. which make the 49 minutes an ok length for the album, more on that later. Only 6 minutes of those are with the three narration based songs (the intro, "Memento Mori" and closer "Finis"). The single "Battle Blood" is another good song and I am happy it is placed at the final moments of the album. It makes it more interesting and gives us something to strive for as you heads towards the end. The last proper track "Maestro's Last Stand" is also an engaging closer.

The Picky Guy
Not that it's a surprise, but sometimes it is a bit too much King Diamond-like, for example the "The Thin Veil" with Miranda instead of Melissa. It's almost funny. The other thing "Return to Hemmersmoor" does get a bit long at the later part. A couple of tracks don't work as well. For example "Hellhounds".

Wrap Up Opinion 
I was positivily surprise with Return to Hemmersmoor when comparing to the previous records. The full packadge is top notch from the album cover to the production. It's all very well written and executed. Yes, it's nothing original but it is a lot of fun. Balancing those two sides, I give Return to Hemmersmoor 81/100 which means a confident good album. Having finished this trilogy, I hope they will build from here and maybe spread there wings and fly beyond the Kind Diamond framework.

SCORE: 81/100
Genre: Heavy Metal
Released by Steamhammer Records/SPV on October 30th, 2020

Rating System*
99 - 100 Perfect
94 - 98 Excellent
87 - 93 Great
82 - 86 Very Good
77 - 81 Good
66 - 76 Mixed
58 - 65 Bad

* slightly adapted on May 24th, 2020 due to statistical review
wordcount = 614

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