Saturday, September 12, 2020

Album Review: SKELETAL REMAINS The Entombment Of Chaos (9/11)


Released by Century Media Records on September 11th, 2020

Quick Background
Californian death metal band Skeletal Remains was formed as Anthropophagy back in 2011, released two albums and in 2018, their acclaimed third record, Devouring Mortality. A good album and my intro to the band. Their sound is heavily influenced by the death metal legends of the 90’s, such as Pestilence, Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel, Sepultura, and Cannibal Corpse

The Entombment Of Chaos

The Entombment Of Chaos is therefore the fourth album by Skeletal Remains. It continues the tradition of the previous record, 2018’s Devouring Mortality: Pure 90's Death Metal with a super modern clean production. The new effort runs for 44 minutes featuring 10 tracks, one being the instrumental intro which is a mix of horror movie soundtrack with sci-fi feel, and track six "Enshrined in Agony" which is also a short instrumental based on clean guitar phrasing. It's a nice break to catch some breath as it splits the album into two groups of 4 songs each.  From the single and second song "Illusive Divinity" (with its Slayer-ish guitar moments) to the track five "Tombs of Chaos" the album is an avalanche of furious paced Death Metal. Vocalist/guitarist Chris Monroy roars somewhere between Max Cavalera and Chuck Schuldiner. And the guitar riffs and solos are part of James Murphy school. 

Once again mixed by Dan Swanö, the album deserves to be enjoyed with good headphones. It sounds brilliant and the panning effects are often really cool to listen. "Synthetic Impulse" and the single "Congregation of Flesh" which is one of my highlights, showcase the production values clearly. 

On the second half, following the instrumental interlude, the single "Dissectasy" is another ear smashing song. And the slower Morbid Angel hommage "Eternal Hatred" creates a nice contrast to the rest of the album and it's one of the album's best. By the way, as in many moments in the album, what tasteful guitar solo on this one! Another great guitar song is "Tombs of Chaos". The furious "Unfurling The Casket" closes the album with style. I love the slow pace intro before it unleashes its fury. Finally the cover art is really great, not only the concept and drawing but also the color pallet is very distinctive.

The Picky Guy
My only real problem with the album is the lack of originality, it's nothing we haven't heard before. Yes, it's well written and executed and it sounds great, but so does tons of Death Metal classics from the 90's. And a touch of progressiveness and maybe more variability would make The Entombment Of Chaos even more appealing to me. 

Wrap Up Opinion 
If you want timeless and uncompromising death metal with class, look no further!  The Entombment Of Chaos is a relentless death metal punch in the face that will please any death metal fan (as long as you don't mind the lack of originality). Therefore I'm giving it 79/100, a good album which is at the same level to its predecessor. 

SCORE: 79/100
Genre: Death Metal
Released by Century Media Records on September 11th, 2020

Rating System*
99 - 100 Perfect
94 - 98 Excellent
87 - 93 Great
82 - 86 Very Good
77 - 81 Good
66 - 76 Mixed
58 - 65 Bad

* slightly adapted on May 24th, 2020 due to statistical review
wordcount = 493

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