Saturday, August 15, 2020

Album Review: TERRA ATLANTICA Age of Steam (8/14)

 Terra Atlantica - Age of Steam Review | Angry Metal Guy

Released by Pride & Joy Music on August 14th, 2020

Quick Background

Terra Atlantica is a German power metal band founded in 2014 by singer Tristan Harders (vocals, guitars) and drummer Nico Hauschildt. The debut record, A City Once Divine, was released in 2017. The current line-up is completed by Julian Prüfer (bass) and Frederik Akkermann (guitars).
Terra Atlantica makes bombastic power metal with catchy choruses and epic orchestration, combining elements of Helloween, Edguy, Hammerfall and Rhapsody. 

Age of Steam
Age of Steam is now the second album continuing a fictional story of Atlantis in the 19th century. It features an intro song "Rebirth 1815" and then 10 tracks totaling 54 minutes. For seasoned power metal fans, Age of Steam will sound very familiar. It uses all the formulas and cliches of the genre. To Terra Atlantica's merit, they were able to create good songs out of the well known power metal blueprint: Catchy choruses, multiple backing vocals, sing-along melodies and epic orchestration. There's the usual instrumental short intro and the mandatory ballad. In this case the ballad "Believe In the Dawn" doesn't help but also doesn't hurt the album. It's rather progressive with good arrangements and a nice melodic guitar solo. It's almost 6 min and still you can get through it without big problems. But it will sound like you've heard it before. There's also the usual longest song as closer, in this case the rather boring 8-minute "Until the Morning Sun Appears". 

To  Terra Atlantica's credit, Age of Steam is a well-designed album. There are some ups and downs but songs are strategically placed and you can go through the almost one hour easily. For example, three potential single tracks under 5 min front loading the album to get it started with energy and pumping fists. Those are god fast tempo songs. The album opener "Across the Sea of Time". The first single and title track which features a basic chorus repeating the song title four times and also adding some 'oh oh oh'. So It's simple but it's fun. And also one of my favorites, the very catchy and cheesy  "Mermaids' Isle". And take it as a compliment, it sounds like Ghost, so you know it will get you moving and singing. The very symphonic single "Forces of the Oceans, Unite!" will get you marching into wherever they want us to go fighting in the best Rhapsody style. 

In most of the songs, the well executed use of twin and fast picking guitars are pure Helloween style. The drumming is also good and reminds me of Blind Guardian. It's difficult to hear the bass, so not a highlight. The one notable exception is the song "Gates of the Netherrealm" which together with "Rage of the Atlantica War" (the third and second to last songs) are the two best ones in terms of song structure and technical proficiency. The first features cool baselines, instrumental passages, and nice arrangements. The second, it's a heavier, riffier song  and also with cool instrumental passages in addiction to a nice guitar solo over clean chugging guitars. The cherry on the cake is the Amon Amarth-like singing. Unfortunately it is way too short, I think their music would benefit a lot from this singing dynamic.

The Picky Guy
Putting all the cliches aside and the lack of originality, the one thing I don't like so much is the overuse of backing vocals in almost all choruses. I also wish the vocals were a bit more potent and dynamic. It's very mid-rangy. "Quest into the Sky" for example demanded more aggressive high pitched screams. The fact that "Rage of the Atlantica War" introduced the death growls to it shows to me how much more they would benefit from a more dynamic and versatile vocal approach.  

Wrap Up Opinion 
Put it simply, Age of Steam is OK. If you are into power metal, it's fun and easy to listen. I tend to be overly critical to power metal bands, specially when the band has a potential. So don't get discourage by some of the criticisms. I do hope they will fine-tune their style and find their own sound because they have the passion for it. But they need to take some risks and make better choices. As an OK album, I'm giving Age of Steam 78/100. While I had a good time with it, I don't see myself coming back to it. Power metal fans if not bothered by the lack of originality, will certainly dig this one. 

SCORE: 78/100
Genre: Power Metal
Released by Pride & Joy Music on August 14th, 2020

Rating System*
99 - 100 Perfect
94 - 98 Excellent
87 - 93 Great
82 - 86 Very Good
77 - 81 Good
66 - 76 Mixed
58 - 65 Bad

* slightly adapted on May 24th, 2020 due to statistical review
wordcount = 723

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