Friday, January 31, 2020

Album Review: SERIOUS BLACK Suite 226 (01/31)

The former super group released in 2015 the magnificent power metal debut album As Daylight Breaks. Without the stars Thomen Stauch (ex-Blind Guardian) and Roland Grapow (ex-Helloween), who left the band right after, the two forgettable hard rock albums that followed saw the super group transform itself into an average hard rock band. The other founding member who remained: Urban Breed (Vocals), Mario Lochert (Bass) and Dominik Sebastian (Guitars) found in Ramy Ali the new drummer. After 3 albums in 3 consecutive years, the quartet is now bringing new hope with the fourth studio album Suite 226 which comes 2.5 years after Magic.

The album tells a complete narrative of a mentally confused man who is torn between his own dreamworld, reality and the evil. It does that via 10 tracks in 47 minutes. All songs are between 3 and 5 minutes with the exception of the closer title track which is almost 9 minutes. As the press release stated the album "features more driving guitars, catchy hooks and finest riffing, as you know it from As Daylight Breaks." While I agree that those elements indeed are present, they are not consistent throughout the album.

Suite 226 starts strongly with 3 fast, heavy and catchy tunes. Efficient guitar work and Urban Breed's top-rated vocals form a powerful combination. "Solitude Etude" for example has the best intro of the album, great riff and drumming. Track number 5 "Castiel" despite the questionable intro is the most power metal song in here. Breed shows what he's got in terms of power and reaching the high notes. The title track is another highlight. Not perfect but more progressive and dynamic. It even made me think if King Diamond story telling. And Ramy Ali finally let himself go. Now the real problem are the other 5 songs. I must say "Fate Of All Humanity" (for AOR fans) and "Come Home" ( a ballad so soft you can put in your elevator playlist) are some of the most annoying songs I've heard in awhile. 

The new hope became a partial appointment. While I saw sparks of what once they were in half of the songs, the other half has three forgettable songs and two that I can't listen to the end. If you did like the last albums, you may find yourself enjoying Suite 226 for the most part. Now if, like me, you wanted something closer to the fantastic debut, you will share my disappointment.

SCORE: 74/100
Genre: Power Metal
Released by AFM Records on January 31st, 2020

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Rating System
96 - 100 Perfect
88 - 95 Excellent
84 - 87 Great
80 - 83 Very Good
75 - 79 Good
69 - 74 Mixed
58 - 68 Bad

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