Sunday, March 31, 2019

Album Review DEVIN TOWNSEND Empath (03/29)

Empath is the eighteenth studio album by Canadian metal musician Devin Townsend. After ending the DTP, he put all his energy on this new solo album. As per Empath press release this album “see what would happen if all the styles that make up his current interests were finally represented in one place. To finally shake the fear of expectation, and just do what it is he was meant to do creatively.” On his YouTube channel you can hear it from himself with more details. Knowing this, puts a very interesting spin on the musical experience that Empath is.

Now I must confess, I have never been a fan, but also never took the time to really listen to his stuff, it never appealed to me. Maybe because I got to know Devin when the DTP outputs were not that great. However, the video single and second track on the album "Genesis" called my attention, not only because of the cool, unusual video, but also because of great weird progness. There's so much going on in this song that it would take a full page to review it in detail. This level of experimentation and music completely free of genre boundaries is rarely seen these days. Throughout the album Devin jumps seamless from genre to genre adding elements from Pink Floyd, Yes, Frank Zappa, The Beatles and many more with modern heaviness. It's impressive that even so it does sound like a one cohesive piece of music. Following "Genesis" the vibrant "Spirits Will Collide" keeps the album on the high. "Evermore" (such cool groove and bass line) and "Hear Me" combine heaviness with big choirs and work very well. "Why?" could be in the next Disney movie score but once you accept that, it's a good and emotional song. Not everything is perfect though. "Sprite" and "Borderlands", despite a cool homage to The Beatles, run a bit too long with a some long quiet and slow moments. "Requiem", neoclassic song that could be part of a church repertoire, closes the first part of Empath. The second part consists of the 24 minutes in 6 parts song "Singularity". To appreciate this track fully, you gotta have a very eclectic taste. It goes from Pink Floyd and Beatles to Black Metal and grove metal, sometimes even within the same part.

For a long time prog fan, like me, this album is a delight. It's like a modern heavy version of a classic 60's/70's prog rock band. I also appreciate the choice of limiting to a minimum the use of electronic and industrial influences. The album flows like a walk through valleys and mountains, where the very heavy parts inject some adrenaline at times in contrast to some very soft moments. The symphonic elements are used with elegance. None of the choices in Devin's arsenal is overused, creating a very crazy but balanced musical experience. The very clear and dynamic production is another highlight. For less seasoned Devin fans, like me, I can see how it can get overwhelming as it can be noisy and chaotic at times, and it runs a bit too long. But overall Empath is a unique music experience in the year 2019. I have no doubts it will top many critics and fans year-end lists.

SCORE: 81/100
DR: 10
Genre: Progressive Metal
Released by InsideOut Music on March 29th, 2019

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