Monday, January 21, 2019

Album Review: FLOTSAM AND JETSAM The End Of Chaos (01/18)

Phoenix, Arizona Flotsam and Jetsam is one of the thrash metal pioneers with their highly acclaimed 1986 debut Doomsday for The Deceiver. At that time featuring bassist Jason Newsted. Over the next three decades, Flotsam and Jetsam would release another 11 studio albums and change the line-up numerous times. Vocalist Eric AK Knutson is the one member always present and founder guitar player Michael Gilbert returned in 2010.

Now in 2019, Flotsam and Jetsam are back with The End Of Chaos, their 13th studio album and second record with AFM Records. This album is fast, heavy and yet very melodic full of memorable choruses. The album opens in full force with four great tracks: "Prisoner Of Time" with memorable chorus and distinctive bass riff, "Control" a video single with a cool drum-fill intro and full of energy and speed, the other video single "Recover" features a nice groove and a catchy chorus and then the sort of title track "Prepare For Chaos" which has more of a 80's traditional metal feel.
The third video single "Demolition Man" is another highlight with a Maiden-like guitar work and once again a memorable chorus. Despite being only 50 minutes long, The End Of Chaos can feel a bit repetitive and at the mid session some of the 12 tracks can start to blend in together. The good thing is that it ends on a high note with "The End". The most distinct tracks in the album and one of my favorites. Here singer A.K. delivers his best performance and finally leaves his comfort zone and try new ranges. Other example are the excellent drum work on "Unwelcome Surprise" and "Good or Bad" bringing it a very special flavor. I wish  Flotsam and Jetsam had taken a bit more risks like those.

Overall a very good album, well written, executed and produced (special nod to the bass sound), it ticks like a clock and never looses the energy (but actually some mid tempo songs or bridges would've been nice). Despite some lack of variability and dynamic, it's a very good addition to their catalog and a good start for pure no non-sense thrash metal in 2019.

SCORE: 81/100

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