2019 brought us some huge comebacks such as Tool (after 13 years), Sacred Reich (after 23 years) and Candlemass with its original singer. Let's see where those landed on my list! Notably, this year we said (supposedly) goodbye to Slayer after their massive farewell tour. I caught them during the summer and it was awesome. I also saw their movie on the release day of the DVD in a movie theater, it was a unique experience. They will be missed!
As always the "listmania" tradition continues to inflate the internet and magazines around the world during the month of December. And I love them! I have compiled and aggregated 19 "best of 2019" lists posted in the last few weeks by major blogs and magazines. My conclusions were that the trend is similar from the last few years. While individual lists are very diverse, when you aggregate them the big names are winners (Tool, Slipknot, and Rammstein in 2019). Then you have the critics darlings such as Opeth and Baroness doing well. And finally the heavier, more underground and newer bands that everyone seems to include in their list. This year the chosen ones being Blood Incantation and Tomb Mold. Tool headed 4 of the 19 lists and is already part of many best of the decade lists as well. Below you can see if those bands made it to my own list.
Personally, 2019 was a very different year when it comes to how I handled, bought, listened and reviewed music. For starters, I finally gave in and fully adopted Spotify premium and that was the main driver for change. I bought much less CDs and I expect that moving forward, I will only buy CDs for some specific reasons. For example for completeness of some discographies. I did however bought still quite a few albums in vinyl. That will also go down as prices are going up, I'll be even more selective.
Another 2019 experiment that stuck was the way I managed this blog. Firstly, I created a schedule to review from 1 to 3 albums per week with 1 full review and the others as "quickies". That worked well and except for December and a week of vacations during the summer, every week a new review was posted. To cover the quickies, 4 quarterly compilations were posted covering those. In order to prioritize quality over quantity, I finally achieved my goal of reducing the number of albums that I listened in a year to my goal of 100.
Finally, I posted other special reviews like important/best of songs, throwback reviews, best of a past year and discographies. Those are certainly kind of posts that I want to do even more in 2020. As I said, I expect that reducing buying physical copies will continue. On the other hand, going to concerts and supporting bands with merch purchasing and Spotify usage will consequently increase.
I hope you get something useful out of this, so seat back and enjoy the read!
50.In Flames - I, The Mask
49.Darkthrone - Old Star
48.Mayhem - Daemon
47.Fallujah - Undying Light
46.Steel Panther - Heavy Metal Rules
45.Abigail Williams - Walk Beyond the Dark
44.Obscure Infinity - Into the Vortex of Obscurity
43.Numenorean - Adore
42.Possessed - Revelations of Oblivion
41.Full of Hell - Weeping Choir
40.DragonForce - Extreme Power Metal
39.Death Angel - Humanicide
38.Queensrÿche - The Verdict
37.Children of Bodom - Hexed
36.Blind Guardian Twilight Orchestra - Legacy of the Dark Lands
35.Avatarium - The Fire I Long For
34.Abbath - Outstrider
33.Sanhedrin - The Poisoner
32.Misery Index - Rituals of Power
31.Baroness - Gold & Grey
30.Stormwarrior - Norsemen
29.Dream Theater - Distance Over Time
28.Periphery - Periphery IV: HAIL STAN
27.Amon Amarth - Berserker
26.Exhorder - Mourn the Southern Skies
25.Spirit Adrift - Divided by Darkness
24.Nile - Vile Nilotic Rites
23.Ray Alder - What The Water Wants
22.Insomnium - Heart Like a Grave
21.Whitechapel - The Valley
Deserted is the best new old/classic Death Metal (DM) album I listened to recently. Surprisingly the album opens with a NWOBHM-like intro as part of the title track that evolves into classic DM. Most tracks are groovy and mid-tempo such as the awesome "From the Ashes", sometimes flirting with Doom (e.g. "Sweltering Madness") and at other times picking up on hardcore speed (e.g. "Ruthless"). If you want classic no-frills DM with touches of Hardcore, you came to the right album.
We Are Not Your Kind is a
very tight, well-written record. I also like the fact that they experimented
and tried new things. I do love the drumming, the production, Corey's
performance, the guitar riffs and the fact that the sampling and scratching
sounds are really reduced to the minimal needed. Why not higher on this list then? Because a lot
of the songs sound very similar to each other and to previous records. It's a
thin line between their signature sound and repetition. With that out of the way, what a great record!
Empath is a unique music experience. For a
long time prog fan this album is a delight. It's like a modern heavy
version of a classic 60's/70's prog rock band. The
album flows like a walk through valleys and mountains, where the very heavy
parts inject some adrenaline at times in contrast to some very soft moments.
The symphonic elements are used with elegance. None of the choices in Devin's
arsenal is overused, creating a very crazy but balanced musical experience. The
very clear and dynamic production is another highlight. For less seasoned Devin
fans, like me, I can see how it can get overwhelming as it can be noisy
and chaotic at times, and it runs a bit too long. Hence why not higher.
Plas did it again,
the band has no bad records in their 25-year old discography and Awakening is
not changing that accomplishment. Old fans will dig this and for new ones this
is as good as any Vanden Plas album. The band and musicians
individually are highly underrated and this band should be getting
much more attention from prog critics and fans. Breaking the double album into two, makes part one very digestible and pleasant.
Sammet continues to deliver great records under the Avantasia banner
with another great power symphonic metal record that will add some amazing
tracks to an already fantastic setlist to look forward to. As always, Tobby songwriting is great and tailored to the singers involved. In addition to old Avantasia voices, Moonglow also introduces new collaborators Hansi Kürsch of Blind Guardian, Kreator’s Mille Petrozza and Blackmore’s Night frontwoman Candice Night. Fantastic!
With 11
well-crafted, selected and sequenced songs in just 40 minutes, Atonement is
a pure metal pleasure to listen to. The guitar work is superb and the vocals
top notch. The bass and drums do a fantastic job holding it all together. The
formula is not different from previous albums, great riffs, catchy melodies
combined with hardcore heaviness and the balanced clean and screaming
vocals. While Jesse's performance is probably his best on record, the album is elevated another notch by the two songs with guest singers: "The Signal Fire" (Featuring good old Howard Jones) and "The Crownless King" (Featuring Chuck Billy of Testament).
I love good
modern metal bands like the Offering that sound nothing like
older bands and yet use metal elements that I learned to love over the years. The
Offering does genre gymnastics like very few bands can do it and yet
were able to create a signature sound with brutality, sing along melodies, fist
pumping guitar riffs, headbanging grooves and complex arrangements. From the
thrash nu metal extravaganza opener “Waste Away” to the epic 14-minute title
track, HOME is intelligent, vigorous, uncompromisingly fresh
and addictive. The best debut album of 2019.
Terrorvortex is a worthy addition to Gloryhammer's discography
following the same formula that got them here, but also creating a distinctive
feeling. In terms of song writing, creating memorable melodies, hooks and catchy choruses, Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex is as good as the band has ever been. There's no doubt that fans of the band will dig this and so will fans
of symphonic power metal in general. I'm looking forward to see them live again
and for their continued success. For the eternal glory of Dundee !
Ethereal was one of the best sonic experiences I had
in 2019. The production is clear and well mixed. Yes, it could be shorter,
but I don't really know where to cut it from. The guitar work, the emotions,
the powerful and catchy singing, the song writing and drumming are all
perfectly combined in a unique display of emotion and uncompromising creativity
that only Arch/Matheos can deliver.
While it's pretty
much a "back to the roots" album, The Door to Doom is
not a retro affair. The production is modern, the vocals are powerful and clear
(sometimes reminding of Jørn Lande or Dio). Throughout the record we can
hear the diversity of Leif experiences influencing his song writing with precise
execution and different colors out of Mr. Edling doom pallet. You can count as a comeback of Längqvist or
as the newest release in almost seven years, the fact is the album is a superb
addition to Candlemass' celebrated discography.
When a Shadow
is Forced Into the Light is
a grower. For the goth/post-rock songs and passages, you need time and focus to
fully appreciate the emotions pouring from them. Mikko Kotamaki (vocals)
performance is quite impressive on how he goes from beautiful clean singing
into black metal screens, deep funeral doom growls with perfection.
Musicianship and production are flawless. All in all, a few days may not be
enough to fully appreciate this beautiful dark emotional record.
A Dawn to Fear is a huge accomplishing from the
band following the masterpiece Vertikal. They prove themselves as a leading band
within their genre. The result is an artistic musical journey difficult to
digest but quite rewarding once you get your head around it. Experiencing it
live, bumped this album much higher into this list. It's the perfect soundtrack
for a cold and dark season.
Atlas is a statement
delivered via the metal music channel. It's an eclectic piece of extreme metal
bringing influences from different sub-genres of Death/Black Metal and
Grindcore. It's powerful, it's bleak and masterfully delivered.
Shehili was a pleasant
surprise and a fantastic album to listen to. From song writing to
production, Myrath delivers their unique take on power prog
metal fused with Middle-Easter music with great musicianship and powerful catchy metal gems. Shehili has
the potential to put this competent Tunisian band once and for all in the
international prog map.
The first big release of the year
has been hovering my top albums list since January and it stood the test of
time. Soilwork new phase
has reached stability and creativity peak. People will recognize the musical
elements this formation has created in the latest two albums, but they've taken
the sound even further by trying new elements and not discarding the success of
NFO. A powerful combination and one of their best albums.

From Hell With Love is a sequence of jewels fusing modern and retro 80's from start to finish. In this context, there are no bad tracks. Anton Kabanen is a master of creating catchy music and via Beast In Black he won't apologize or contain his love for the cheesiness of the 80s. I mean, if you grew up in that time, you won't believe that this album is being released 30 years later. His music writing combined with Papadopoulos vocals is a magical combination. In every song Papadopoulos displays his powerful and versatile pipes singing irresistible melodies that will get stuck in your mind. At the end of the day, the combination of love and believe in what you do with skillful song writer and talented musicians makes Beast In Black a breath of fresh air while paradoxically being retro.
Awakening is a thrash metal bonanza that feels to be
straight out of the late 80's. I like the production values and specially
what Dave McClain delivers on the drums (that "Salvation"
drum intro followed by the guitar riff is Sacred Reich's Painkiller). Mr. Rind
voice apparently hasn't aged as he sings as well as back in the day. The
album is straightforward and after just a couple of spins, I was singing along
and fist pumping in the air. What else could I ask from a thrash record? An
album that was highly anticipated is now highly recommended.
Kodex makes epic
doom metal by the book. Even thought there are intervals, the the album
functions as one piece of music with one song flowing into the next perfectly.
The production is dynamic and clear. The band uses several samples to immerse
us into this medieval Europe of empires and
kings. The musicianship is solid with a shout out to drummer Mario Weiss.
While the range and versatility of singer Markus Becker is rather limited,
he has a beautiful voice and he is proficient within his boundaries to deliver
a convincing performance. It helps a lot that the vocal melodies are epic,
catchy and beautiful.
Albums like Lotus are
the reason I keep checking more than 100 new releases every year. It’s that
magical moment when you connect deeply with the music and find something truly
special. There’s so much to like here, from the beautiful and yet powerful Joel
Ekelöf's singing, the incredible drum work by Martin Lopez, one of the best
bass sound I’ve heard in a while or the solid guitar riffs and solos. But Lotus is
much more than a collection of great musicians, Soen is a band
in harmony playing a complex but cohesive piece of music. At the end of the day
the music writing is phenomenal and that makes all the difference.
Tool delivered a
uncompromising record, they are on that career stage in which they can do
whatever they feel is right musically without worrying to please audiences. The
band’s songwriting pushes and challenges listeners and it will take weeks or
months to completely unpack this present. Initially I had a problem with Fear
Inoculum because the first five songs run quite long and are very
similar to each other. But I realized we can't take this album as a collection
of singles because it's basically one long song. That's how Tool invite
us to experience it. It will be interesting to see how the mainstream
audience will react to this complex album where the only possible singles are
over ten minutes long. While Fear Inoculum didn't blew my
mind at first, after a couple of months now it does every time I listen to it. Crypt Sermon - The Ruins of Fading Light
Twisted Tower Dire - Wars in the Unknown
Astronoid - Astronoid
Avantasia - Moonglow
Cattle Decapitation - Death Atlas
Abigail Williams - Walk Beyond the Dark
Mgła - Age of Excuse
Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race
Favorite Guitar Solos:Abigail Williams - Walk Beyond the Dark
Mgła - Age of Excuse
Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race
Soilwork - The Nurturing Glance
Dream Theater - Room 137
Obscure Infinity - Grostesque Face
Myrath - Darkness Arise
Arch/Matheos - Never in Your Hands
Suicidal Angels - D.I.V.A
Tool - 7empest
Crypt Sermon - The Snake Handler
Exhorder - Asunder
Opeth - Minnets Yta
Ray Alder - The Killing Floor
Top 5 songs:
Book of Shallows by AvantasiaLascivious by Soen
7empest by Tool
Fall Into the Light by Dream Theater
Weightless by Evergrey
Slayer at Graspop
Beast In Black at 013
Between the Buried and Me at Trix
Disappointing Shows:
Grand Magus at Graspop